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“ 신선도유지 그린패키지 기술혁신기업, ㈜한그린테크 ”

이름 한그린 이메일 edward
작성일 2017-09-29 조회수 7701
파일첨부 Excellent Technology Evaluation Company.jpg
Certified as an excellent high-technology company

#1 Freshness-keeping Active Packaging

Hangreentech Co., Ltd. was certified as an excellent high-technology company by NICE Information Service Co Ltd., technology credit bureau.

✅ Name of technology : Manufacture of plastics products(H01687_1)
✅ classification of technology : Developing and manufacturing of Freshness-keeping active packaging

▶ Online store : http://zippys.co.kr/
▶ Official home page : http://www.hangreen.com/eng/
▶ For info. Please Contact---green@hangreen.com

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